Tokyo Banana introduces a special “Rakko” edition with a delightful coffee milk flavor. These soft, fluffy sponge cakes are filled with a rich coffee milk-flavored cream, offering a unique twist to the classic Tokyo Banana treat. The 8-piece set features adorable “Rakko” designs on the packaging, making it an ideal gift or a delicious snack for coffee lovers and Tokyo Banana fans alike.
Coffee milk-flavored cream (glucose syrup, coffee extract, sugar, skimmed milk powder, vegetable oil, wheat flour, egg yolk, gelatin), egg, sugar, wheat flour, vegetable oil, dried egg white, modified starch, seasoning (amino acids), flavoring, emulsifier (soy-derived), coloring agents (caramel, carotene), leavening agents, sorbitol, sodium acetate, thickening agents (locust bean gum, agar).
Approximately 104 kcal per piece.
Package Contents
• 8 individually wrapped Tokyo Banana “Rakko” coffee milk-flavored cakes.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Best consumed by the expiration date on the package.
Perfect for
• Coffee-flavor enthusiasts.
• Gifts or souvenirs for special occasions.
• A fun, flavorful treat to share with friends and family.
Enjoy the delightful combination of coffee milk flavor and the iconic Tokyo Banana sponge cakes!